Posts Tagged ‘Vitamins’

What Vitamins Should You Be Taking

It’s so important to try and get as many nutrients as you can from the foods you eat, but still there are some supplements beneficial to women that we may not be getting enough of in our diets. Vitamins and other dietary supplements are not intended to be food substitutes since they can’t replace all of the nutrients and benefits of real food, but many can be beneficial additions to a healthy diet. With so many options available at health food stores, what do we really need and what should we spend our money on? I consulted with a trusted dietician who helped me put together this list of supplements which can be beneficial to women, (of course, consult your personal doctor before taking any vitamins/supplements.)

If you’re a healthy eater the only supplement you may need is a good multivitamin. Stick on your Gucci sunglasses and go for a …